Friday, June 5, 2009

How Much Does A Tattoo Cost In Orlando

Summer Course on the management of corporate reputation (IDEC-UPF)

In the post on Tuesday, with the first results of the study of new professional profiles that demand the Information Society, we saw that the data confirm the growing importance of online reputation management by enterprises. If you are interested in the issue, within one month (July 6) begins in the IDEC (Continuing Education Institute), University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) a course on corporate reputation management that Visibility impart co-author.

The planned program is this:

July 6 - The corporate reputation today. Neus Arqués Reputation and Web 2.0: Inventory of spaces.
- Examples of participation. Bel Llodrà

July 7 - Social Networks: Concept. Horizontal networks and vertical networks. Social identity. Bel Llodrà - Blogosphere and reputation: concept. Corporate blogs. Cristina Aced Blogmarketing

July 8 - Visibility and Viral: Concept. Word of mouth to ideavirus. Key factors in the transmission. Magali Benitez
- Follow-up strategies (Reputation Tracking): How hear the conversation. Monitoring and diagnosis. Neus Arqués

July 9 - Reputation Management: How to generate visibility. The brand and position. Cristina Aced
- Reputation Management: Content visible to search engines. Magali Benitez

July 10 - Reputation Management: Crisis management online. Neus Arqués
- Reputation Management: New profiles. Cristina Aced

can consult the course website for more information . We wait!


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