Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hiv Symptoms The Next Day?

Starting tomorrow, interviews with five" new professional "Job Search 2.0

start the week with the publication of a series of interviews I did for the study on the new job profiles that demands Information Society and whose first findings published earlier this month , and pointed to the figure of Community Manager is the profile claimed in Information Society.

As I indicated then, they have made this investigation a total of 50 people, through their participation. To complement the spontaneous participation were invited to several people who are dedicated to some of these new professional to answer a brief interview. Kindly responded to the invitation Mauro Fuentes, Social Media Consultant creative Territory; Rafael Lopez, Managing Director ieCommunities (virtual community of IE Business School) and general secretary of AERCO; Rafael Martinez, director of online marketing at the Hotel Auditorium Madrid , hotel has recently created a blog ; Palmira Rios, Community Manager of Coca-Cola Happing and Antonio Toca, Community Manager creative Territory.

Tomorrow will start the publication of these interviews, which I found interesting to share with you, for providing relevant information on the current context of marketing and communication trends point. We begin with the testimony of Antonio Toca, Community Planning Manager creative.


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