Friday, July 24, 2009

Convert Pound Cake Mix To Chocolate Pound Cake

Happy summer! Blog-o-corp back in August

With the heat, it's time to take a break and change of scenery. This year, summer for me is synonymous with adventure in London. As some of you know, I'm going to work with the agency We are social for three weeks, "a conversation agency" that "Helps brands to listen, Understand and engage in conversations in social media." I'm very excited and looking forward:) I hope to learn many things and then share them with you all here!

Blog-o-corp takes a break for holidays:) but if you want we can continue chatting Twitter (@ blogocorp), where I will be posting some notes in this summer adventure.

Blog-o-corp return in late August full of energy and new ideas to share. Until then, you enjoy the summer!


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