To write a love story sometimes do not need many pages, just a few lines only. Our partner, Celia Izquierdo , Professor of Technology, sends us give an example, through a short story not Rafael R. Valcárcel.
Love before, during and after rain
I noticed him, by the way they look, as if it were a stranger she saw for the first time, but it was. He had risen at the same station and I was alone. Just at the next stop, she entered the bus and was not aware of his presence, although he sat next to him. Then the pack took a dossier of illustrations. He, like I said, he looked as if evoked a hundred times together: the autumn rain that led them to shelter in place, the excuse to talk to, a phone number, the days of doubt, shyness him to ask her out, silences her to delay the appointment, the recital in which they agreed, the kiss, kissing, confessions, discoveries, two dinners, meetings, commitments, commitment and desire children keep dreaming. What if I only reminded him of a former love? Or perhaps without sharpen both memory it was empty silhouette of his desires, latent illusion that kept him awake for a happy ending that he had lived for a night of insomnia.
I had thought about taking a bus, her either. Outside the rain had stopped. I asked if the pictures were his.
Rafael R. Valcárcel
If you liked, you can read more works by this author on your page not count. Stories are not stories. Storytime feel and think.
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