Friday, February 18, 2011

Nordictrack Exp 2000, How To Repair

mathematical love poem

On Monday, we proposed a little game I shaped mathematical love poem for Valentine's that, here you have the solution.

have to plant a grove, my lord,
if you want to prove that I am your love.
This grove, though small, must be composed of twenty-five
trees well arranged in twelve rows,
and have planted five trees each row or my cute
face never see.


Taken, a little of everything

Monday, February 14, 2011

The International Colour Chart

In Valentine, a mathematical love poem

Rosa Maria Davila, a professor of mathematics at the IES Bay of Cadiz and a member of the working group "The Cove also reads" Valentine's Day offers us solve this math problem. See how many you are able to draw this forest!

CLAUDE MONET. Bordighera Garden (1884)
have to plant a grove, my lord,
if you want to prove that I am your love.
This grove, though small, must be composed of twenty-five
trees well arranged in twelve rows, each row
and have planted five trees
or my pretty face never see.

Next Friday the solution for those who simply have not been able to solve it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Satellite Indian Channels Frequency

Preparing Valentine's Day (4) Preparing

To write a love story sometimes do not need many pages, just a few lines only. Our partner, Celia Izquierdo , Professor of Technology, sends us give an example, through a short story not Rafael R. Valcárcel.

Love before, during and after rain

I noticed him, by the way they look, as if it were a stranger she saw for the first time, but it was. He had risen at the same station and I was alone. Just at the next stop, she entered the bus and was not aware of his presence, although he sat next to him. Then the pack took a dossier of illustrations. He, like I said, he looked as if evoked a hundred times together: the autumn rain that led them to shelter in place, the excuse to talk to, a phone number, the days of doubt, shyness him to ask her out, silences her to delay the appointment, the recital in which they agreed, the kiss, kissing, confessions, discoveries, two dinners, meetings, commitments, commitment and desire children keep dreaming. What if I only reminded him of a former love? Or perhaps without sharpen both memory it was empty silhouette of his desires, latent illusion that kept him awake for a happy ending that he had lived for a night of insomnia.
I had thought about taking a bus, her either. Outside the rain had stopped. I asked if the pictures were his.
Rafael R. Valcárcel

If you liked, you can read more works by this author on your page not count. Stories are not stories. Storytime feel and think.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chrzescijanska Definicja Prawdy

Valentine's Day (3) Preparing

In the literature, how could it be otherwise, there are many stories of love, and all of them as famous as the few to tell us William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Represented on numerous occasions, made into a film and television in many others, we leave here a fragment that sends us our colleague Maria Gamez , professor of Language and Literature. It is one of the latest film version, maybe not the best, but if one of the most popular among younger audiences. It's "Romeo and Juliet" (1996) director Baz Luhrmann, starring Leonardo di Caprio and Claire Danes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Community Serviceletter Of Completion

Valentine's Day (2) Preparing

From Voice to you due
(1933), Pedro Salinas, I leave here one of my favorite poems.

The stolen kiss. Jean-Honoré Fragonard

If you called me, yes,
if you called me!
I would give anything, everything you throw
prices, catalogs,
the blue ocean on the maps,
the days and nights, old telegrams

and love.
Thou you're not my love,
if you called me!
And yet I hope your voice down
from the star,
by mirrors, through tunnels, leap years
can come. I do not know where.
From prodigy, always.
Because if you call me
"if you called me, yes, if you called me!"
be from a miracle,
incognito, without seeing it.
never from the lips that kiss you, never

from the voice that says: "Do not go."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Homemade Stud Muffins


In anticipation of the poems, stories and love letters that begin to receive in a few days in the traditional contest for Valentine's Day, we here some love poems that have selected our partner Cotorruelo Pilar, Professor, Department of Mathematics, one of Vicente Aleixandre and one of Pablo Neruda.


Unit it

Fortunate body flows between my hands,
beloved face which I contemplate the world, where graceful birds
copied fugitives
flying to the region where nothing is forgotten.
Your extensively, diamond or ruby \u200b\u200bhard
brightness of a sun that shines in my hands,
crater calling me with their music intimate, impenetrable
to call your teeth.
die because I throw myself because I want to die,
because I live in the fire, because the air outside
is not mine, but the hot breath
that if I approach my lips burn and brown from a background .
Let, let me gaze, dyed red to
love your purple face for life,
lets look at the deep tumult of thy bowels
where I will die and give up living forever.
I love or death, I want to die completely,
want to be you, your blood, the lava roaring
that enclosed watering
beautiful extremities feel like the beautiful life limits.
This kiss on your lips like a slow spine
flew like a sea that made a mirror like shine
of a wing is still
hands, a review of your hair crunchy, crackling
avenging light,
light or sword on my neck deadly threat,
but never able to destroy the unity of this world.

Vicente Aleixandre (1898-1984)

not be far from me one day, because,
because I do not know to tell you, day is long,
and I'll be waiting in railway stations somewhere
when trains were asleep.
not go for an hour because then at that hour
drops of anguish and perhaps all the smoke that roams looking for a home
come to me, choking my lost heart. Oh
not your silhouette in the sand, do not fly to and
your eyelids in the absence:
not leave me for a second, my dearest,
because in that moment you're gone
far that all the land I will cross
wondering if you'll die Will you leave me.
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)

Over the next few days we will publish some more and if there is one that you like especially would like to share with us, do not hesitate and send.