Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cheerleading Noise Makers

To mark the Day of Andalusia, began to prepare to celebrate this event with an enthusiasm known to all center colleagues, those wanting to work in a subject that is enriching, not only by the issue itself, but because we believe it is the best way for students to learn and appreciate our Andalusia and all it entails, by this approach through literature.

The selection of poems related to cities and monuments of each of the provinces of Andalusia, made it possible for us to do a tribute to our community on March 12, completing this unique art form with images.

students and pupils of 4 th of ESO and Bachillerato B 1, attended the event organized by Cristina Flores in the hall. The audience was enthusiastic and participatory. They were there for the recitation of each of the poems by Ayla, Melanie Canto and Antonio Ruiz (4 º ESO). José Miguel Molina (4 º ESO) accompanied the reading with the guitar and grew even more excitement. The words of Antonio Burgos dedicated to Cadiz, the Aleixandre, to Malaga, those of Juan Ramón Jiménez, the Auroras Moguer, those of our colleague and poet, Jose Manuel Benítez, the Níjar Fields, Cordoba , described by Gongora, Juan Morales and his poem to Jaen, and Camilo Valverde, to Granada. The dance also took place in the event, sandwiching the projection of images and recitations by the intervention of two young men, this time, performed the art of our land through your palms and footwork.

Everything was special: the occasion of the celebration, the atmosphere in which the act was developed, the active participation of the whole community of IES La Caleta (and former colleagues of Reading Group and Library) ... special and it certainly was the joy that was contagious to all and all. MARY

Professor of English Language and Literature
Plan Working Group LYB

Monday, March 8, 2010

Where To Buy Stevia Gum

Day Poems Valentine

As you know a couple of weeks ago we celebrated in the Institute a oncurso letters c and love messages on Valentine's Day , and its result was made public a few days ago. The turnout was very high, as we are very happy.

Today take the opportunity to play here the winning poem and two especially highlighted by the jury. I hope the winner has enjoyed the romantic dinner was the prize.

The winning poem was to Patricia Stops, a student of 1 º Bach. A predilection has called and reads
You see nothing is the same
now everything is different now
I love to laugh and I love my

You see, I'm happy
with little or much that I have,
and I want nothing more
that people really, those
they were always
and were to support.

That now I do not cry,
and if I do it for happiness,
I am now happy
with happiness.

that part I am now indifferent
who just wants to enjoy
that girl
rebel who just wants to play.

Now I know what matters
and will not ever matter.
Now I know what I want,
now I know what I feel.

addition, the jury also highlighted a poem by Ezequiel Herrera, a student of 1 º Bach. B, What I can say I do not know? .
What I can say I do not know?
could list your strengths,
and not finish on time,
could tell my longings,
but I miss you if you exist,
could even die for love, but
dead yet, continue loving you.
And finally, the third selected by the jury, headed love you forever, Nerea A., 2 º ESO A:

Even my breath sighs

your name each time
even surprised me.

Crossing dreams
subject the string
kisses your own
of my love affair.

If only
touch I feel in heaven
and want to hold
with all my longing.

love you forever
is my goal,
feel safe and complete
leaving to focus
the strings of my puppet.

If love is sin
damn lucky
of my heart, I prefer
rather than lose
die for love.

Congratulations to all three.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nerf Theme Birthday Cake

Blogs winners to encourage reading

The Journal of Jerez today, José García Oliva published an article recognizing the potential of blogs as Forna to encourage reading and hard work that we do. Between blogs and readers citing plans is ours, so from here we want to thank you for the recognition of both our business or that of many other colleagues other centers, of whom we learn something new every day.

then reproduce the entire story.

"E l Reading and Library Plan of the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalucía, has generated a lot of player movement in the centers that are being developed. On the one hand by the original economic provisions renewed funds in many centers as well as other materials, and secondly because it involved many teachers have been working on the issue, and also, as a result of this, because it has led to collective dynamics also involve teachers and families and levels are rising reading in schools and beyond.

One way of intervention, collaboration and entertainment are being what for some were the enemy of reading: the computing resources. Make web-quest "before, during or after the readings, supplement and contextualize works, get in touch with other readers of the same titles, including authors, no doubt ... And the blogs have been created in many centers and they are portals, storefronts, working and reading rooms.

appear in these books discussed blogs, reviews of activities, interviews, new arrivals at the library, images in different presentations (galleries, videos, "slide"), songs in audio and / or video to hear along with the lyrics of these songs and poems to read.

In the town of Barbate draws attention to the draft joint blog of all places, "reads Barbate", in which there are many partnerships of schools and colleges providing texts produced by students. There is also a developing novel to read chapter by chapter, also own production.

A good advantage of these blogs are the links, as well as lead to sites of interest, to connect some other blogs "Copying healthy" ideas, as with the game of "paragraph found" born in the IES Caleta.

are also a good opportunity to compete, as we found in almost all: the bookmarks, the mascot of the library, stories and poems ... and of course the celebration of Peace Day, in Andalusia,., which each holds in his own way: a review related books, chronicling events at the center or the city, putting special links ...

addresses the different posts could be provided for those interested in Educational Management in Delegation Provincial Plan for the charge of L and B. I leave /, the IES Almunia, one of my favorites because of the developments that have had and the good update (which is essential). "

José García Oliva. Specialist children's literature.
You can read the full story in the online edition of Daily Jerez, where we have taken her.